#BlogTour ~ Love in Provence by Jo Thomas @Jo_Thomas01 @PenguinUKBooks @RandomTTours #LoveInProvence

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Love in Provence by Jo Thomas.

Love in Provence was published in eBook on 25th April 2024 with the paperback following on 6th June by Penguin Books.



Escape to the beautiful lavender fields of Provence this summer

Del moved to the south of France three years ago and hasn’t looked back. She’s found new friends, new purpose, and new love with gorgeous Fabien.

But just as harvest on her little lavender farm is due to begin, Del gets some shocking news. With no time to dwell as she welcomes a new crew of lavender pickers, she unexpectedly waves goodbye to Fabien for the summer.

Usually cooking – the thing she loves best – would help soothe her troubles, but Del doesn’t remember how . . . And then chef Zacharie comes to town, dropping another bombshell!

Over one summer in Provence that’s full of surprises, friends old and new rally round. Can they complete the harvest and pull the community back together? And if Fabien returns, will Del finally get her happy-ever-after?


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A big thank you to Anne Cater and the publishers for issuing me with my review copy of the book and for inviting me to take part on the blog tour.

Love in Provence is the follow up to one of my favourite Jo Thomas books, Escape to the French Farmhouse and I was absolutely overjoyed to know we would be revisiting Provence once again.

Things have settled into a lovely routine for Del, Fabian and their friends. Henri, her business partner and her best friend Rhi are travelling the world and Del is busy with the restaurant ‘Henri’s’ along with Fabien and the lavender harvest is due to start. Things are looking good until the mistral blows into town. Things start to slowly unravel in Del’s happy life and when they all receive some heartbreaking news from Henri and Rhi, Del knows things will never be the same again. When Fabien gets the chance to go on tour over the summer with his old band, although Del is desperately sad to see him she knows it will be good for them and also bring them such much needed money following the abrupt closure of one of her livelihoods.

Suddenly Del is not only battling to save her livelihood but also battling her own body. Aware of the age difference between herself and Fabien, she tries to battle on despite forgetting recipes that were once second nature to her.

Despite all of this, the Lavender season is upon them with the promise of pickers arriving, Del struggles to even remember the simplest of recipes, the group pull together and learn how to work together.

Love in Provence is an absolutely beautiful follow up with an even bigger cast of characters for you to get to know. Some old and some new, it was wonderful to get to know them all and learn about their lives and let the magic of the lavender farm work on them.

The ending was perfect (and I did slightly guess some of it for a change!) and I really hope we get to be reunited with the characters once again as there is still so much to learn from them!

Absolutely perfect and highly recommended from me!


To follow the rest of the tour…


About the Author

Love In Provence: Brand-new for 2024: Escape to France with this gorgeous romantic story set in the lavender fields of the South of France. Coming out as ebook in April and paperback in June!

Before becoming a radio producer Jo Thomas started working life in an ice cream van, then as a waitress in the South of France before returning to the UK and selling dancing flowers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Hamelys Toy Store in London. After Uni she worked for many years as a reporter and producer, including time at Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour and Radio 2’s The Steve Wright Show.

Jo’s debut novel, The Oyster Catcher, was a runaway bestseller and won both the RNA Joan Hessayon Award and the Festival of Romance Best eBook Award. Her recent book Escape to the French Farmhouse was a #1 bestselling eBook and in every one of her novels Jo loves to explore new countries and discover the food produced there, both of which she thoroughly enjoys researching. Jo lives in Pembrokeshire with her husband and three children, where cooking and gathering around the kitchen table are a hugely important and fun part of their family life.

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